What Workout Moves Can You Do with an Ab Roller?

Here are 15+ workout move ideas you can perform with the right Ab Roller.

Most people think of ab roller workouts consisting of the basic moves of rolling out (extending) and contracting to roll your hands back in toward your knees. “Ab roll outs” are indeed a tried-and-true ab and core workout move that gets results. But did you know that with the right ab roller, you can perform fifteen + challenging ab and core moves? Utilizing a multi-directional ab roller with the additional ability to use the device on your feet gives you a nearly unlimited number of challenging ab and core workout variations. This type of ab roller allows you to work the complex muscles of your abs and core from multiple angles, and vary the moves to work the upper, middle, and lower abs as well as the core and obliques. Combining 3 – 5 of the below moves 2 to 3 times per week is a great way to lose weight, build strength and muscle, and tone-up your mid-section fast!

  • Ab roll outs from the knees
  • Ab roll outs from the feet
  • Variable grip ab rollouts
  • Single arm ab rollouts
  • Single arm assisted ab rollouts
  • Twisting ab rollouts
  • Assisted sit ups
  • Assisted V ups
  • Sliding mountain climbers
  • Sliding reverse crunches
  • Sliding pikes
  • Instability planks
  • Extended planks
  • Single arm extension planks
  • Hip openers (abductor / adductor exercises)
  • Walking ab roll outs
  • Rolling spider man push-ups
  • Forward Gliding Reverse Crunches

Explore these moves and watch videos of proper ab roller workout form here.